15th September 2023

How to beat the post adventure blues

Heading out on adventures makes us feel alive. The excitement of planning it, seeing incredible places, and having amazing experiences that broaden our minds – it’s why we do it. But the act of ‘re-entry’ back into normal life can be hard.

While your world and outlook may have changed, the rest of the world continued as normal. Here are some tips on how to beat the post adventure blues and make coming back home easier after an adventure.

Beat the post holiday blues by taking a mindful moment. Girl looking at a bridge in a peaceful wood

1. Take a mindful moment

Before life gets crazy again, take some time out of your busy normal routine to sit somewhere quiet and simply reflect on the wonderful adventure you have just had. Think of those moments when you really connected with your fellow travellers, the thrill of an epic rapid, the sunset on a canyon wall, the smell of the campfire underneath a starry sky.  Return to that moment and remember how that made you feel at the time and try to bring it into your present. Use it to ground you. Any time life starts to overwhelm, return to that feeling. 

Beat the post holiday blues by writing a diary. Girl writing journal while travelling by train

2. Capture and share your experience

One of the hardest parts of returning from a trip is that you want to tell people about it, but most people, after asking a generic, ‘How was it?’ will move onto what’s happening in their world. Depending on whether you like writing, taking photos or even creating mini video reels, try to capture your trip and share it on social media. People can then absorb as much or as little of the information as they like. You may not realise it, but your experience may just inspire someone else to go have an adventure and transform their life. If nothing else, it will help create a little memory album or summary of the trip that you can return to years later.

Man hiking, seen from behind in a hillside area

3. Plan a little adventure at home

Whilst repeating your big vacation immediately might be out of the question, there are plenty of mini-adventures on your doorstep to keep that feeling alive. It could be as simple as walking to work instead of driving, with a bonus chat to the coffee barista on the way. Join a local meet up group to try an activity you’ve never done before. Go wild camping for the night. Recreate the river camp experience by cooking over fire on a local beach. Adventures start right from your front door. Make it happen. Looking for other ideas? Try Alastair Humphreys book on Micro Adventures.

Close up of someone holding a Nikon camera

4. Keep curious

Many of us travel to see and try new things, growing through the experience. It’s our curiosity and love of stepping out of our comfort zone that makes us want to explore. But you can get a similar kick at home. Join a club, take up new hobby like photography or learning an instrument (and bring those new skills on your next trip!), try a new sport, volunteer with people you don’t normally mingle with, or read books on the next place you want to visit. Your adventure was just the first step of becoming a better version of you.

Girl looking at computer screen that says travel journal on it with a paper diary alongside

5. Plan your next trip

This is a pretty obvious one, but having something to look forward to is always the best feeling. Maybe you met some people on your last trip, who suggested another trip for you to go on? Time to go and do some research and get something booked and in the diary. Because the only thing as much fun as an adventure, is planning the next one!

Need inspiration on where to go next? Look at the Water by Nature destinations and adventure types and start planning. Try rafting the mighty Zambezi, or a multi-active adventure in New Zealand, or going off the beaten track in Papua New Guinea, or sailing in Croatia, or combining rafting with a desert adventure in Morocco. Your biggest challenge will be trying to decide!

Contact us and let us help you feel alive again.

by Hamish McMaster

Hamish McMaster is the Water By Nature owner. He has spent the past 25 years exploring and playing on the world's great rivers. He still loves nothing more than getting out there and sharing adventures.

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