Lovemore is a real family man, dedicated to providing the best education for his three daughters, Heather, Candi and Iliana, supported by his wonderful wife, Pretty.
His eldest daughter Heather has shown a keen interest in kayaking, so unbeknown to Mum, Lovemore is fueling that passion! Heather has quite the passion for adventure and wanted to bungy jump recently and this is still being negotiated with ‘the boss’, but in the meantime, she zip lined across to Victoria Falls bridge.

A Passion For Adventure
Lovemore has aspirations for his rafting to take him further around the world. Now one of our experienced trip leaders, we have plans to get him to Nepal in 2017 and to try and help him realise his dream of rafting the Grand Canyon in 2018.

Cooking King
Learning the ropes on the river, also meant Lovemore had to learn more in-depth outdoor cooking skills. After a few brief lessons from one of our head guides on how to bake a cake in a dutch oven (camp stove) he was left in charge of desserts. He embraced this with the same level of enthusiasm and hard work that we see in every aspect of his river work and he is now our resident expert at chocolate cakes, marble cakes and even chocolate brownies. Ladies, look out for Lovemore on your next river adventure.